Committees » Joint Committee on Elections

In response to a motion passed by the WSCC in December 2020, WACD and WSCC is forming a joint committee to develop recommendations on conservation district elections reform. This was followed by a call for volunteers by WSCC in February 2021: Seeking CD volunteers to serve on election reform committee. The WSCC bulletin about volunteers also contains helpful information: Seeking CD volunteers to serve on election reform committee (or download it in PDF format: WSCC – Seeking CD volunteers to serve on election reform committee).

The four recommendations of the Joint Committee on Elections are:

  1. Conduct elections every other year, rather than every year as done currently.
  2. Extend supervisor terms (for both appointed and elected) from the current three-year
    term to a four-year term.
  3. Conduct district elections during one Conservation Month.
  4. Allow conservation districts the option to go on the general election ballot

Downloadable references & reports

Committee members

WACD Past President Mark Craven (Snohomish CD) facilitated meetings of the committee.

Audrey AhmannAssistant Manager: Finance & Grants AdministratorWalla Walla County CD
Ryan BayeDirector of Legislative & Member ServicesWACD
Larry CochranSupervisor, WSCC Vice ChairPalouse CD
Mark CravenWACD TreasurerSnohomish CD
Jeanette DornerWACD Immediate Past PresidentPierce CD
Bill EllerVoluntary Stewardship Program CoordinatorWSCC
Joy GaritoneDistrict CoordinatorKitsap CD
Kirstin HaugenSupervisorKing CD
Dave HedrickDistrict ManagerFerry CD
Laura MeyerCommunications ManagerWSCC
Mike MumfordWACD PresidentPend Oreille CD
Craig NelsonExecutive DirectorOkanogan CD
Mike NordinDistrict ManagerGrays Harbor CD, Pacific CD
Cindy ReedSC Area DirectorNorth Yakima CD
Tom SalzerExecutive DirectorWACD
Ron ShultzDirector of Policy and Inter-governmental RelationsWSCC
Most recently modified on 2024-05-08 13:00:30
