Committees » Sustainable Funding Committee

OverviewCommittee membersDownloads
The Sustainable Funding Committee was approved by WACD members in 2021 as a standing, or evergreen, committee as delineated in the WACD articles and bylaws.

Resolution 2021-07B — WACD establish a sustainable funding committee — as adopted:

The WACD president establish (under Part X,§1 of the WACD by-laws) a permanent committee to review and develop identified and new opportunities for consistent and stable funding for CDs statewide. The sustainable funding committee will report progress and recommendations to the WACD board quarterly or as actions require. A progress report to the membership will be made at least annually. (Consider adding WACD as recipient of possible sources of revenue for distribution to CDs.)

The committee is currently chaired by Mark Craven (Snohomish Conservation District).

Committee members

RoleNameConservation District
ChairMark CravenSnohomish Conservation District
Aneesha DieuColumbia Conservation District
Bridget GallantBenton Conservation District
Dave HedrickFerry Conservation District
Richard LeitzColumbia Basin Conservation District
Heather McCoyWhidbey Island Conservation District
Sarah MooreheadThurston Conservation District
Stu TrefryPierce Conservation District
Most recently modified on 2024-05-08 12:18:14
