Status of 2022 legislation

The Watch List below summarizes the conservation district-related bills that WACD is monitoring and WACD’s position on each. Important hearings and votes are bolded. Bills that are still alive are marked with a black star ★.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our WACD Olympia staff at The Watch List was last modified April 4, 2022 8:25 am by Tom Salzer.

BillTitleSPONSOR(S)NotesWACD Position
★ ESHB 1329
Concerning public meeting accessibility and participationWICKS, Pollet, Taylor, Ruy, and 9 others• 3/8/22 House Speaker signed.
• 3/10/22 Senate President signed.
• 3/10/22 Delivered to Governor.
• 3/24/22 Governor signed. Chapter 115, 2022 Laws. Effective date 6/9/2022
★ 2SHB 1799
Concerning organic materials management
House Committee on Environment & Energy
FITZGIBBON, Berry, Duerr, Riccelli, Harris-Talley• 3/8/22 House concurred in Senate amendments. Passed final passage; yeas, 57; nays, 40; absent, 0; excused, 1.
• 3/9/22 House Speaker signed.
• 3/20/22 Senate President signed.
• 3/10/22 Delivered to Governor.
• 3/25/22 Governor signed. Chapter 180, 2022 Laws. Effective date 6/9/2022
★ HB 1953
Exempting sensitive voter information on ballot return envelopes, ballot declarations, and signature correction forms from public disclosure
House Committee on State Government & Tribal Relations
VALDEZ, Volz, Sutherland, Ramel• 3/2/22 Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. Third reading, passed; yeas, 38; nays, 10; absent, 0; excused, 1.
• 3/3/22 House Speaker signed.
• 3/7/22 Senate President signed.
• 3/8/22 Delivered to Governor.
• 3/24/22 Governor signed. Chapter 140, 2022 Laws. Effective date 3/24/2022.
★ SHB 2051
Providing short-term disaster recovery financial assistance to agricultural producers
House Committee on Appropriations
RULE, Shewmake, Ormsby, Ramel• 3/4/22 Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. Third reading, passed; yeas, 48; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1
• 3/7/22 House Speaker signed.
• 3/8/22 Senate President signed.
• 3/10/22 Delivered to Governor.
★ SSB 5860
Concerning water policy in regions with regulated reductions in aquifer levels
Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
WARNICK, Dozier, Schoesler• 3/1/22 Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. Third reading, passed; yeas, 97; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1
• 3/2/22 Senate President signed.
• 3/2/22 House Speaker signed.
• 3/7/22 Delivered to Governor.
• 3/11/22 Governor signed. Chapter 60, 2022 Laws. Effective date 6/9/2022.
E2SHB 1117
Promoting salmon recovery through revisions to the state's comprehensive planning framework
House Committee on Environment & Energy
LEKANOFF, Fitzgibbon, Bateman, Simmons, Ramel, Peterson, Goodman, Ryu, Kloba, Chopp, Pollet, Macri, Davis• 2/16/22 public hearing
• 2/24/22 executive session in Senate Committee on Housing & Local Government, majority DO PASS with amendments
• 2/24/22 referred to Ways & Means
• 2/28/22 committee vote scheduled, but no action taken in Senate Committee on Ways & Means
HB 1544
Concerning agriculture, food, and natural resource education
House Committee on Education
KLIPPERT, Steele, Dufault, Johnson, J., Dent• 2/3/22 committee vote, no action taken
HB 1631
Supporting WA food production system by providing assistance in support of improved voluntary environmental stewardship
House Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources
SHEWMAKE, Ryu, Leavitt, Wicks, Bateman, Duerr, Boehnke, Walen• 1/27/22 referred to AppropriationsFOR
SHB 1652
Concerning conservation district elections
House Committee on State Government & Tribal Relations
DOLAN, Lekanoff, Shewmake, Fitzgibbon• 2/15/22 did not advance out of RulesFOR, TESTIFY
SHB 1653
Improving statewide coordination in support of anadromous fish recovery
State Government & Tribal Relations Committee
LEKANOFF, Chapman, Ryu, and Ramel• 1/27/22 referred to AppropriationsWatch
HB 1750
Authorizing an agricultural employer to select any 12 weeks in a calendar year as special circumstance weeks for labor demand, during which in each of the selected 12 weeks, the agricultural employer may employ agricultural employees for up to 50 hours before the requirement to pay overtime applies under RCW 49.46.130.
Labor & Workplace Standards
HOFF, Walen, Rude, Johnson, J., Ybarra, Klippert, Dent, Corry, Dufault, Goehner, Chambers, Chapman, Eslick, Kraft, Jacobsen, Graham• 1/10/22 first readingFOR
HB 1838
Protecting, restoring, and maintaining habitat for salmon recovery
(Governor request legislation, companion to SB 5727)
House Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources
LEKANOFF, Springer• 1/21/22 public hearingCONCERNS, TESTIFY
HB 1856
Adding counties to the voluntary stewardship program
House Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources
CHAMBERS, Springer• 2/15/22 did not advance out of Rules
HB 1869
Encouraging salmon recovery through voluntary stewardship
House Environment & Energy Committee
KLICKER, Dent, Chase, Graham• 1/28/22 public hearingWatch
HB 1891
Concerning a rangeland fire protection association pilot project
(DNR request legislation)
House Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources
DENT, Griffey, Graham, Corry, Hoff, Callan, Dufault• 1/31/22 referred to AppropriationsFOR
HB 1895
Developing a plan for conservation, reforestation, and restoration of forests in Washington state
(DNR request legislation)
House Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources
HARRIS-TALLEY et al.• 1/28/22 committee vote, no action takenWatch
HB 1910
Concerning conservation district elections
State Government & Tribal Relations Committee
GREGERSON, Pollet• 2/2/22 committee vote, no action takenAGAINST, TESTIFY
HB 2106
Clarifying the existence of riparian stock watering rights (companion to SB 5882)
Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources
KLICKER, Dent, Klippert, Sutherland• 1/28/22 first readingWatch
HJR 4209
Adding a new section to the Washington state Constitution regarding the conservation and protection of the state's natural resources (companion to SJR 8209)
House Committee on Environment & Energy
LEKANOFF, Berry• 2/1/22 public hearingWatch
SB 5633
Planning for the prevention of permanent loss of forests in Washington state
(DNR request legislation)
Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
ROLFES, Short• 1/27/22 committee vote, no action takenWatch
SB 5641
Promoting local agriculture through greenhouses
Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
SHORT, Wilson, L.• 3/1/22 Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.Watch
SB 5665
Protecting, restoring, and maintaining habitat for salmon recovery
(Office of Financial Management request legislation)
Referred to Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
ROLFESReferred to Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & ParksCONCERNS
SB 5721
Consolidating natural resource management under the commissioner of public lands
Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
VAN DE WEGE, Salomon• 1/25/22 public hearing scheduled, not heardWatch
SB 5727
Protecting, restoring, and maintaining habitat for salmon recovery
(Governor request legislation)
Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee
SB 5731
Concerning organic materials management
Senate Environment, Energy & Technology
DAS, Lovelett, Nguyen, Saldaña, StanfordWatch
2SSB 5746
Concerning drought preparedness, response, and funding
Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
WARNICK• 2/23/22 executive session in House Committee on Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources, majority DO PASS
• 2/24/22 referred to Appropriations
SB 5857
Concerning dedicating funding from the model toxics control accounts for pollution cleanup, water flow management, water supply, and aquatic resource protection
Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology
BRAUN, Muzzall, Schoesler, Sefzik, Short• 1/25/22 public hearingAGAINST
SSB 5882
Clarifying the existence of riparian stock watering rights
Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
MUZZALL, Mullet• 2/15/2022 did not advance out of RulesFOR
SJR 8209
Adding a new section to the Washington state Constitution regarding the conservation and protection of the state's natural resourcesWILSON• 1/10/22 referred to Senate Law & JusticeWatch


  • FOR means WACD supports this legislation. We may sign in PRO for legislation we support.
  • TESTIFY means WACD plans to, or did, testify.
  • NEUTRAL means WACD does not have an opinion at this time or there are some concerns that don’t rise to the level of WACD expressing a statement AGAINST. WACD may sign in as OTHER for legislation we are NEUTRAL about.
  • CONCERNS means WACD has specific concerns about aspects of the legislation. WACD may sign in as OTHER for legislation we have CONCERNS with.
  • AGAINST means WACD opposes this legislation. WACD may sign in as CON for legislation we do not support.
  • WATCH means WACD is monitoring the legislation.

Advocacy posts

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