Healing Land, Healing People
Why do people choose to work with your conservation district? Is it because you are the only vendor available for the offered services? Is it… Continue Reading Healing Land, Healing PeopleContinue Reading
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Email: oly@wacd.org
Views expressed in the Executive Corner category may not reflect the official positions or thoughts of the Washington Association of Conservation Districts. We share various thoughts to help stimulate thinking and discussion within our conservation community. We appreciate your feedback. Send your thoughts to feedback@wacd.org.
Why do people choose to work with your conservation district? Is it because you are the only vendor available for the offered services? Is it… Continue Reading Healing Land, Healing PeopleContinue Reading
Reduce the sodium? No! Some of you know that my spouse and I are providing live-in care for my 91-year-old mother. She is our last… Continue Reading Of labels, DEI, and hubrisContinue Reading
Why we serve our entire conservation community Traditionally… I’ve been in several roles within our conservation community over the past 29 years. At several points… Continue Reading Why we serve our entire conservation communityContinue Reading
All of us have had to “roll with the punches” in 2020 as we faced new challenges for which most of us were wholly unprepared.… Continue Reading Executive Corner: A time for transformationContinue Reading
Dear Members and Partners: The recent survey results about the 5 Things newsletter proved interesting. The individual comments were also interesting because several presented exactly… Continue Reading Executive Corner: Meet the HubContinue Reading
When someone says or does something that is not aligned with your value set, what do you do? Do you speak up (possibly before thinking… Continue Reading Executive Corner: Speak up or stay silent?Continue Reading
As your Association Executive Director, part of my job is to maintain an awareness of important happenings across the entirety of our Washington State conservation… Continue Reading Now Is The Time For A Stronger Conservation CommunityContinue Reading
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