Benton Conservation District plans to build a new facility

The city of West Richland has approved a building permit for a new facility for Benton Conservation District near the city’s offices and Leona Libby Middle School.

Kara Kaelber, the district’s manager, said the district will put the construction project out for bid in January and did not provide a project cost estimate. Eric Mendenhall, the city’s economic development director, said the conservation district still must pay some fees but city officials have OK’d the building.

Kaelber told the Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business that the new facility will not only house the district’s growing programs and staff but also make it easier for the community to see it as a resource.

“Conservation districts tend to be the ‘best kept secret,’ and we don’t want to be a secret anymore,” she said.

Learn more: Benton Conservation District plans to build a new facility
