Equity and Board Succession Plan Required for NACD TA Grantees

From Dr. Loutrina Staley, NACD’s Equity and Outreach Program Analyst, comes this information for NACD TA Grantees:

NACD is dedicated to supporting the success of our nation’s producers, businesses, and partners. Many of our nation’s producers come from marginalized communities, which have limited their ability to farm and ranch successfully. Despite this, they have played a crucial role in maintaining a healthy agricultural economy and preserving natural resources.

NRCS has tasked NACD with expanding outreach to engage with producers who have not been reached before. This requires taking actionable steps to develop a comprehensive Equity and Board Succession Plan, enhancing the district’s current efforts, and bringing in new talent and expertise. An Equity or Board Succession Plan is a requirement for the 2023 TA Grantees.

In response to requests for assistance, we are offering a webinar series open to TA grantees, District employees, and Executive Directors on Developing a DEI Plan on June 26th at 2 pm. ET. Register here and Develop a Successful Board Succession Plan on July 10th at 2 pm. ET. Register here.

Please direct any questions to Dr. Loutrina Staley, NACD’s Equity and Outreach Program Analyst. Thank you!
