Ecology offers $1.7 million in drought planning and preparedness grants

To help Tribes, farmers and communities better plan and prepare for the impacts of drought, the Washington Department of Ecology is offering $1.7 million through a new grant program.

These drought planning and preparedness grants were authorized by the state legislature last year and are intended to support communities in the development of drought preparedness plans aimed at increasing drought resiliency and water supply security. These plans will identify the actions, costs and timeframes a local community must deal with to increase its water supply security.

Ecology funded six proposals in the initial round of preparedness grants:

  • City of Brewster – $115,500
  • Lincoln County Conservation District – $156,000
  • Okanogan Conservation District – $484,122
  • Snoqualmie Indian Tribe – $150,000
  • Wahkiakum Public Utility District – $395,000
  • Walla Walla Conservation District – $219,137

These new drought planning and preparedness grants are distinct from Ecology’s long-standing drought response grants.

Source: Ecology offers $1.7 million in drought planning and preparedness grants
