The Washington State Conservation Commission completed the certification of conservation district elections and the appointment of new conservation district supervisors at their May meeting. These 13 people represent new ideas and energy entering our conservation district community in 2023 and beyond.

A a while ago we published an Executive Corner article that included this tidbit:

It’s time to return to the old days when we rolled out a welcome wagon for new people. The simplest thing that we can do is something you can easily do: pick up the phone and welcome the new person to the community. They deserve to know that they are welcome, that we want them to be successful, and that there is a support system to help them be effective.

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WACD will get these new folks added to the District Directory soon. Please join us in rolling out the welcome wagon for these 13 newly elected and appointed conservation district supervisors:

  • Asotin – Jesse Calvin Green
  • Central Klickitat – Miland Walling
  • Clallam – Wendy Johnson
  • Grays Harbor – Heather Smith
  • King – Csenka Favorini-Csorba
  • Lewis – Bruce McDonald
  • Okanogan – Edd Townsend
  • Pacific – James Olsen
  • Pierce – Julie Warrick Ammann
  • Pine Creek – Tyson Carter
  • Pine Creek – Mitchel Jamison
  • Pomeroy – Luke Ledgerwood
  • South Yakima – Kristyn Mensonides

Last but not least, we also take this opportunity to thank those who were re-elected or re-appointed as conservation district supervisors. Selfless service is a great way to describe the commitment and engagement of our 225 district supervisors helping to lead and govern conservation districts all across our great state!