March 25, 2023: For the convenience of our members and partners, the tables below list summarized information about the bills WACD is tracking in our more detailed Legislative Watch List.

House Bills

BillFlagsTitleStatusDateOriginal Sponsor
SHB 1105Public comment noticeS State Govt & E03/08/2023Kloba
SHB 1138f#dDrought preparednessS Ways & Means03/24/2023Chapman
HB 1140dOperating budgetH Approps01/09/2023Ormsby
HB 1147dCapital budgetH Cap Budget01/09/2023Tharinger
E2SHB 1170f#dClimate response strategyS Ways & Means03/23/2023Street
E2SHB 1181f#eClimate change/planningS Ways & Means03/17/2023Duerr
E2SHB 1216f#eClean energy sitingS RecComm03/24/2023Fitzgibbon
2SHB 1322f#dWalla Walla water 2050 planS Rules 203/24/2023Rude
HB 1421f#Voluntary stewardship prog.S Loc Gov, Land03/07/2023Chambers
ESHB 1498f#Aviation assurance fundingS Ag/Water/Natur03/10/2023Dye
SHB 1500afCottage food sales capS Passed 3rd03/22/2023Eslick
E2SHB 1541Lived experienceS RecComm03/24/2023Farivar
HB 1552fUrban agriculture studyS Ag/Water/Natur03/02/2023Reeves
2SHB 1578dWildland fire safetyS Ag/Water/Natur03/08/2023Springer
SHB 1621f#Local government procurementS Loc Gov, Land03/07/2023Ryu


a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

Senate Bills

BillFlagsTitleStatusDateOriginal Sponsor
SB 5104fMarine shoreline habitatH Approps03/24/2023Salomon
SB 5187dOperating budgetS Ways & Means01/09/2023Rolfes
ESSB 5200dCapital budgetS Passed 3rd03/24/2023Mullet
2SSB 5268f#Public works procurementH Approps03/21/2023Hasegawa
ESB 5341fdWA food & ag. productsH Approps03/21/2023Muzzall
SSB 5353f#Voluntary stewardship prog.H Approps03/23/2023Wagoner
SB 5390fForestlands/safe harborH Approps03/23/2023Shewmake
SSB 5437Special districts/vacanciesH Exec Action03/24/2023MacEwen


a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.
