AgForestry Leadership

AgForestry is the only program in Washington State focused on developing adult leaders in agriculture, forestry and natural resources.

If you know someone with leadership potential, is up for the challenge, and is willing to commit to a leadership journey that will profoundly grow them both professionally and personally, encourage them to apply and/or refer them to us: Referral form here.

Starting January 15, applications open for Class 45 of the AgForestry Leadership Program. Four Q&A sessions are set for applicants to learn about requirements, expectations, cost, scholarships, and benefits. Prospects may sign up for a session by clicking here. Attending a Q&A session is required for all applicants to ensure they understand the demands and rigor of the 18-month program spanning two full years with 13 seminars that occupy 58 days.

Also, please share this with your board, your committees and your staff.


  • Applications are accepted January 15 to April 15
  • Steps to apply:
    1. Attend one of four Q&A sessions
    2. General Application
    3. Essay Questions
    4. Self-Evaluation
    5. Employer Release and Reference
    6. Three References
    7. Resume
    8. Signed Memorandum of Understanding
  • Class 45 seminar schedule here
  • List of available scholarships here


Vicky Scharlau (Class 10)

Executive Director

Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation
