At the 2021 Annual Conference, the membership of WACD created a temporary group dedicated to addressing the emerging issue of harmful algae blooms (HAB) in Washington State.

The workgroup will be charged with these tasks:

  • Assess the status of HABs in the state,
  • Assess the adequacy of current funding for monitoring HABs,
  • Assess the adequacy of funding for programs to address HABs statewide, and
  • Recommend actions that conservation districts should take to reduce the frequency and duration of HABs in Washington.

The committee has a one-year charter to report back to the WACD Board of Directors and the full Association.

WACD President Mike Mumford is seeking involvement from any conservation district or partner organization interested in participating in this workgroup. Workgroup members should expect to participate in at least one virtual meeting a month, with the option of additional work outside of regular meetings.

If anyone is interested in participating, please contact Ryan Baye by Friday, March 4th. The first meeting will be held before the end of March.
