Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) staff have prepared a summary of Governor Inslee’s 2022 proposed supplemental budget (released 12/16) as it relates to CDs and the SCC.

Operating Budget Provisos and Agency Detail

  • Sustainable Farms and Fields – $2,000,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2023 is provided solely for the sustainable farms and fields program created in RCW 89.08.615 to provide technical assistance, education, and outreach to promote carbon storage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Grant funds may be used to promote cover crops, cost-share opportunities such as purchases of equipment, seeds, soil amendments, and development of conservation plans that increase carbon storage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Conservation Equity and Engagement – The agency will conduct an assessment of its programs and services to identify assets and challenges related to equity and inclusion. The assessment will include recommendations for inclusion in a conservation equity and engagement plan and the agency’s long-range strategic plan. (General Fund – State)
  • Riparian Plant Propagation Program – $1,300,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2023 is provided solely for the commission to develop a riparian plant propagation program of native trees and shrubs to implement riparian restoration projects that meet riparian zone requirements established by the department of fish and wildlife. Plants will be made available for free or at a reduced cost to restoration projects where a landowner is meeting the riparian zone requirement pursuant to House/Senate Bill No. . . . (Z-0441/22) (governor request legislation concerning salmon recovery habitat).

Supplemental Capital Budget

On the Capital Budget side, the Commission requested $2,000,000 for Farmland Protection and Land Access but there is no money in the Governor’s proposed budget for this program.

Next steps

SCC staff will continue to track details of the Governor’s proposed budget and policies.

SCC is also coordinating with WACD to co-host an informational CD webinar early in the new year when more information is available.

Source: Governor releases 2022 proposed supplemental budget