TACOMA, November 30, 2021 – Today, the Washington Association of Conservation Districts held its 2021 annual business meeting. At the close of the meeting, a new slate of officers was elected and sworn into office:

  • President: Mike Mumford, Pend Oreille Conservation District
  • Vice President: Amy McKay, Whitman Conservation District
  • Secretary: Barbara Bailey, Underwood Conservation District
  • Treasurer: David Fenn, Lewis County Conservation District
  • National Director: Doug Rushton, Thurston Conservation District
  • Past President: Jeanette Dorner, Pierce Conservation District

A banquet was held for in-person attendees the evening before the business meeting. Attendance at the business meeting was good with about 35 people attending in person and about 65 people attending virtually.

Topics covered at the 2021 WACD annual business meeting were varied. Most arose from resolutions that were adopted at 2021 area association meetings. A few items of new business emerged near the end of the meeting.

Some changes to WACD bylaws were also adopted. WACD staff will update website content soon.

On behalf of WACD, I extend my appreciation to all participants for extending some extra grace to the WACD board and staff as we presented a hybrid (in-person and virtual) meeting. The assistance and forbearance of attendees were crucial to completing a successful business meeting this year.
