Committees » Livestock Committee

OverviewCommittee membersDownloads
The Livestock Committee became a permanent WACD committee through the bylaws changes approved by members in 2022. Preceding the Livestock Committee was the Livestock Task Force, formed through Resolution 2021-05 — Livestock Riparian Water Rights:

  1. WACD to comment on the draft changes to Dept of Ecology Policy 1025 in the form that the policy changes significantly negatively impact the potential of voluntary water quality and riparian habitat protections. And put into jeopardy livestock grazing operations which do not have documented water rights. And comment that current alternatives such as drilling wells and hauling water in many cases is not feasible.
  2. WACD shall also create a Livestock Task Force to address the issue of livestock water rights and other livestock issues as identified.
  3. WACD and WSCC to track progress of changes and keep all Conservation Districts informed and coordinate efforts to ensure livestock have water rights from historical use and/or carrying capacity of pasture and range with surface water.

The Livestock Task Force was established in April, 2022 and the Livestock Committee is re-forming in 2023.

Committee members

Evan BauderDistrict ManagerMason CD
Alan ChapmanNW Area DirectorWhatcom CD
Joy GaritoneDistrict CoordinatorKitsap CD
Pauline HagenSupervisorStevens County CD
Lee HemmerSupervisorFoster Creek CD
Joe HoltropDistrict ManagerJefferson County CD
Carolyn KellySupervisorSouth Douglas CD
Loren MeagherDistrict ManagerCentral/Eastern Klickitat CDs
Brad RiehleProject CoordinatorAsotin County CD
Most recently modified on 2024-12-09 08:43:13
