Committees » Harmful Algae Blooms Work Group

OverviewCommittee membersDownloads
The Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) Work Group is a new group approved by WACD members in 2021 in Resolution 2021-01 — WACD establish workgroup to evaluate HAB problem and funding:

WACD supports formation of a workgroup to assess the status of HABs in the state, the adequacy of current funding for monitoring HABs, the adequacy of funding for programs to address HABs statewide, and to recommend actions that conservation districts should take to reduce the frequency and duration of HABs in Washington. The committee has a one-year charter to report back to the association and the board.

The HAB Work Group is being established in April, 2022 and is being chaired by Mark Sytsma, Whidbey Island CD Supervisor.

Committee members

Paul AnderssonDistrict ManagerSan Juan Islands CD
Marcella AppelWater Resource Project ManagerBenton CD
Walt EdelenWater Resources Program ManagerSpokane CD
Glenn GatelyWater Quality and Fish Habitat SpecialistJefferson County CD
Heather McCoyExecutive DirectorWhidbey Island CD
Debbie MeisingerProgram Manager, Riparian Habitat StewardshipKing CD
Mark NielsonDistrict ManagerFranklin and Benton CDs
Ron ScerbickeWatershed PlannerGrant CD
Mark SytsmaSupervisorWhidbey Island CD
Most recently modified on 2024-05-08 13:19:16

Downloadable references & reports

The workgroup established an online resource portal – complete with previous meeting minutes and recordings, shared resources, HAB-affiliated websites, and more as they conduct their work. The September 2022 HAB Workgroup Report can be found here.
