The NACD Urban and Community Conservation (UAC) Grant Initiative is designed to enhance districts’ urban agriculture conservation technical assistance activities in developed and developing areas of both urban and rural communities. 

Since 2016, NACD and NRCS have awarded $7.75 million to conservation districts for 182 different projects. Through these grants, conservation districts increased their capacity related to urban technical assistance and small-scale conservation, while addressing community needs in both rural and urban contexts. 

The FY 2024 application period for the UAC grants is now open, with an application deadline of 11:59 p.m. PT, April 1, 2024. Only conservation districts, as defined by state statute and tribes, are eligible to apply for these grants. Previous recipients of UAC Implementation Grants are only eligible if they have received only one implementation grant in the last five years (between 2019-2023) and if all activities under the first grant are finalized and NACD staff have a record of a final report for the project on file.

Previous recipients of the UAC Planning Grants are eligible to apply in the year immediately following their planning grant, provided they have shown adequate progress and outcomes toward their planning grant and the implementation grant will support ongoing activities.

Interested organizations must review the full request for proposals (RFP), linked below, for information about applicable projects, eligibility, and full application instructions. Please read the instructions carefully; districts that do not adhere to the application instructions and submit all required documents will not be considered for funding.

Before applying, districts should read the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and the reporting instructions below. Interested applicants are also encouraged to review past grantee projects described in the story map and other materials linked above.

If you still have questions after reviewing the RFP, FAQs, and reporting instructions, please contact Rachel Theler,, NACD’s staff lead on urban conservation programs. Please plan your applications and reach out with any questions early in the application process; support may not be available closer to the application deadline.

