Buy a beer, plant a tree: local program sees first plantings

Here in Grays Harbor, Mount Olympus Brewery, working with the Grays Harbor Conservation District (GHCD), is taking the positive benefits of this wonderful beverage gifted to us by the gods even further, planting trees for each pint pulled or can crushed. Those efforts have already started, reinforcing soggy riverbanks as crews work hard to plant thousands of trees in the descending cold of winter.

“This is a community effort,” said Alexander Birk, outreach coordinator for the GHCD. “It’s great that these beers are sponsoring these trees.”

GHCD doesn’t make any money off the deal; instead, they’re planting trees as the brewery tallies the beers sold, Birk said.

Source: Buy a beer, plant a tree: local program sees first plantings | The Daily World
