WACD testimony on SB 5200 concerning the capital budget

On Thursday, January 12, 2023, WACD testified before the Senate Ways & Means Committee on Senate Bill 5200 concerning the Governor’s capital budget appropriations. Vice Chair Mullett was designed the acting chair by Chair Rolfes. One error was made in the verbal testimony but WACD then submitted written testimony to correct that mistake.
Download a summary of the Governor’s proposed budget items that affect the Conservation Commission and conservation districts: 23-25 Op Cap Budgets Gov proposed Dec 2022 FINAL (source: Washington State Conservation Commission).
Testimony (provided in writing)
The testimony provided to the Committee is shown below:
Good evening, Chair Mullett and committee members. My name is Tom Salzer and as Executive Director of the Washington Association of Conservation Districts, I am here representing all 45 conservation districts in Washington. Today I speak in support of the Governor’s proposed 2023-25 capital budget in Senate Bill 5200.
WACD appreciates all of the conservation-related capital budget items but we are particularly pleased with the 100-million-dollar investment in voluntary riparian grants and with funding for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. CREP is a very cost-effective, high-impact investment for the State because every State dollar captures an additional four federal dollars as matching funds. WACD encourages you to prioritize these investments as well.
Washington’s conservation districts look forward to your continued support of voluntary conservation programs that ultimately benefit all Washingtonians. Thank you.
Contact WACD
Should you have comments or concerns, please share them with our Olympia staff at oly@wacd.org.