WACD testimony on SB 5187 concerning operating budget appropriations

On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, WACD testified before the Senate Ways & Means Committee on Senate Bill 5187 concerning operating budget appropriations. WACD was one of just 14 entities signed in to testify on the natural resources portion of the Governor’s proposed operating budget.
With a time limit of just one minute, the opportunity to make an impression was quite limited. We used our time to reinforce the need for the funding proposed for the State Conservation Commission and voluntary conservation programs. In our view, budget writers went above and beyond in crafting a pro-conservation budget and they deserve our thanks for that work.
Download a summary of the Governor’s proposed budget items that affect the Conservation Commission and conservation districts: 23-25 Op Cap Budgets Gov proposed Dec 2022 FINAL (source: Washington State Conservation Commission).
Click here to view WACD’s testimony on TVW. The testimony provided to the Committee is shown below:
Good evening, Chair Rolfes and members of the Committee. My name is Tom Salzer and I am here in support of the 2023-25 operating budget proposed in Senate Bill 5187. As Executive Director of the Washington Association of Conservation Districts, I am honored to represent all 45 districts in Washington State.
WACD strongly supports proposed funding for the Conservation Commission and all voluntary conservation programs. Your support is crucial in helping conservation districts put more conservation on the ground. For example, without Conservation Technical Assistance, districts would be unable to marry individual landowner needs with the State’s priorities.
Washington’s conservation districts look forward to your continued support of voluntary conservation programs that ultimately benefit all Washingtonians and we thank you.
Contact WACD
Should you have comments or concerns, please share them with our Olympia staff at oly@wacd.org.