2022 WACD Award Winners

Congratulations to all of this year’s winners. Each individual will be recognized by WACD, in coordination with the nominator. Below is a small snippet of the reason for each award winners’ selection. If you know or interact with any of these recipients, please feel free to extend your own thanks for their hard work.

  • Associate Supervisor the Year – Stu Trefry – Stu was described as a “critical part” of Pierce CD whose passion is palpable, and provides guidance and wisdom to the district.
  • Special Service Award – Robert Russell – Robert is a Lewis County Stream Team Coordinator and member of the Chehalis Basin Work Group who’s hosted multiple restoration events.
  • Young Tiger Award – Gary Ketcheson – As a new Whidbey Island CD Supervisor, Gary was a “conservation legend” before even joining the board and made an immediate impact with the district by serving as hiring committee chair when the district was looking for a new district manager.
  • Wildlife Steward of the Year – Banjuh Family – The Banjuh family own and operate a fifth generation farm in Boisfort with 38 acres in CREP and cooperated in the installation of large river restoration project on their property last year to restore the spring Chinook salmon population in Lewis County.
  • Wildlife Small Farmer of the Year Elk Haven Farms – With 40 acres in Pe Ell, Peter and Diane Schmid were one of the first VSP implementors in Lewis County with 18 acres dedicated to wildlife habitat.
  • Supervisor of the Year – Mark Craven – Mark has served 25 years as a Snohomish CD Supervisor and chaired the 2021 Joint Committee on Elections on behalf of WACD and WSCC.
  • CDs of the Year – Clark & Pine Creek CDs – The 2022 WACD Awards Committee felt both CDs were worthy of recognition for the growth they demonstrated. Pine Creek CD roared back to life over the last 18 months and blew away everyone who saw their Southeast Area Meeting district activity presentation this year. Clark CD went from a staff of 1 ½ to nearly ten full-time employees in the last few years and are a completely different district able to better serve their community.
  • President’s AwardJennifer Boie and Harold Crose – President Mike Mumford granted two awards this year. Jennifer, as the District Manager for Palouse CD, is a resource for many new district managers in Eastern Washington and can be credited for many of the innovative district programs Palouse launched the last few years. Harold Crose, after serving 40 years as an NRCS employee, seems to be at the center of every conservation effort in the Columbia Basin and an integral part of the Odessa Aquifer Groundwater Replacement Program.