Support Letter Template Available

Every two years, the Governor is required to present a draft budget to the legislature. That budget of his priorities and programs is released in late November/early December. Ahead of that release, he works with the Office of Financial Management to prioritize funding priorities.

Where WACD and districts can play a role in supporting programs is right now, by showing support for the Conservation Commission before those decisions are made. We’ve written a sample letter for districts to use as a template for their own use, speaking to why you believe state funding is necessary for your district programs.

Download: FY23-25–Decision_Package_Support_Letter–TEMPLATE


FY23 25 Operating Budget Requests

FY23 25 Capital Budget Request

If your district believes it can support the Commission’s budget, please plan to mail your letter to the Governor. You can email a copy of your letter to those agency staff handling the Commission’s budget, as well as notifying WACD and the Commission, by using the links below. And consider sending a copy to your state legislators, so they are aware too.

Tom Salzer –
Chris Pettit –
Matthew Hunter –
Jim Cahill –
Myra Baldini –
Jennifer Masterson –
