The California Association of Resource Conservation Districts is seeking an Executive Director.

The ideal CARCD Executive Director is a passionate professional prepared to provide critical leadership to the diverse network of Resource Conservation Districts, partners, and community members working to advance a collective vision and impact. This position reports to a Board of Directors composed of Board Members and senior staff of member agencies and has overall strategic and operational responsibility for mission, vision, staff, and programs of CARCD. S/he/they will work to continue strengthening the existing network of RCDs through prioritizing principles of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion across all Association work; developing short and long-term plans and associated budgets enabling the Association to meet operational targets; and actively coordinating regional and statewide RCD communication, coordination, and capacity-building.

The most successful candidate for this position will have the ability to develop and advance strategies for Association organizational structure, financial sustainability, and internal and external network building within a range of settings and with a variety of federal, state, and local partner audiences. S/He/They will balance operational and program needs with the advancement of CARCD strategic goals and objectives as set forth by the Association Board of Directors and staff.

Click here for the full job announcement and application details.

Application deadline is September 30th, 2022.
