Plant Materials Center update: February 17, 2022

Here are 5 brief things that you should know about the PMC for February 17, 2022:


Sales remain strong with new orders coming in daily. They continue to run 36% ahead of this time last year.


Photo of Noble Fir seedlings
Noble Fir seedlings

54 million plants have been harvested this season so far. That is a quarter-million more plants than this time last week, or almost 50,000 plants per day. It is safe to assume that things are running on schedule. It appears that COVID-related absences are on the wane. Hopefully, it stays that way.


Shipping was down this week. That is good since a couple of weeks ago when 200,000 plants shipped out and that was exhausting. The problem is that the sold area is filling up with completed orders waiting to go out. Next week is shaping up to be another big shipping week which will help the storage situation.


At this time all equipment and facilities are all working relatively well. There was one minor emergency when the filter on the septic system clogged, causing things to back up a bit but that was a fairly easy problem to fix. Not pleasant, but manageable.

As mentioned above, there are fewer people out due to COVID protocol and that makes life easier. Some of the crew will leave at some point in the spring to go to their other jobs. There will be some challenges working around that but we always manage.


See above!

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Jim Brown, WACD PMC Nursery Manager
