In 2021, the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion proposed a set of actions to be taken over a three-year period. At the 2021 WACD annual business meeting in business brought from the floor, the membership voted to adopt those recommendations.

WACD staff will be working on Year 1 tasks in calendar year 2022.


Year 1 (2022)

  • WACD to compile, and make available to interested conservation districts, a list of resources and best practices for equity, community engagement, and outreach with underrepresented communities.
  • WACD will develop a central repository where member conservation districts can access resources, tools, and best practices.
  • WACD to engage with The State Office of Equity and learn what existing support WACD and conservation districts may be able to receive from the State.

Year 2 (2023)

  • WACD can work to identify and secure funding opportunities for community engagement and education staff for conservation districts.
  • WACD to establish relationships with organizations representing underserved communities so that offers of services and employment are more welcome when shared.
  • WACD to consider how to increase community involvement and inclusion in conservation district elections and work with the Conservation Commission and WACD Board of Directors to make recommendations for improvement.

Year 3 (2023)

  • WACD to conduct an organizational EDI assessment that addresses culture and structure with support from external consultants who use the assessment as a capacity building exercise. The assessment will include a report of recommendations of ways to improve the culture and reduce barriers for diverse employees/members to participate. The process will also train WACD employees in how to conduct similar assessments for conservation districts who are interested. WACD can then conduct EDI assessments for interested districts.