During the Legislative session, proposals must reach specific checkmarks at certain times in order to continue along the process to becoming a law. The first of these hurdles is known as “Policy Cut-off” when a bill must be voted out of its initial committee or be left behind.

This year, that date is Thursday, February 3rd. Here is the list of bills on WACD’s Watch List currently scheduled to be voted on and advanced out of committee before the deadline (subject to change, of course).

House Committee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Natural Resources

  • HB 1856 – Adding counties to the voluntary stewardship program.
  • HB 1891 – Concerning a rangeland fire protection association pilot project. WACD supported.
  • HB 1895 – Developing a plan for conservation, reforestation, and restoration of forests in Washington state.
  • HB 1631* – Supporting Washington’s food production system by providing technical assistance in support of improved voluntary environmental stewardship. WACD supported. Voted out of committee on January 26th.

Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water, and Natural Resources

  • SB 5882 – Clarifying the existence of riparian stock watering rights. WACD supported.
  • SB 5656 – Concerning fish and wildlife commission members.
  • SB 5860 – Concerning water policy in regions with regulated reductions in aquifer levels.
  • SB 5633 – Planning for the prevention of permanent loss of forests in Washington state.

House Committee on State Government and Tribal Relations

  • HB 1652 – Concerning conservation district elections. WACD supported.
  • HB 1910 – Concerning conservation district elections. WACD opposed.
  • HB 1653* – Improving statewide coordination in support of anadromous fish recovery. Voted out of committee on January 26th.

House Committee on Environment and Energy

  • HB 1799 – Concerning organic materials management.