The Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project Manager is a grant funded, regular, full-time, hourly employee serving the Grays Harbor Conservation District (District). This position is responsible to the District Board of Directors and is supervised by the Watershed Restoration Program Manager.

Over the past decade, the District Watershed Restoration Program has developed and implemented a diversity of exciting projects, ranging from fish passage barrier removals and floodplain revegetation, to tidal reconnection and reach-scale engineered log jam projects. Using existing grants and partnerships, and a local community focused approach, District staff have identified and developed numerous potential restoration projects with stakeholders that are to be implemented over the next 10 years. Due to this growth in project opportunities, the District is looking for a pro-active project manager who will join our dynamic and creative Watershed Restoration Program team. Not only will this position involve managing ongoing projects (see section below), but the individual will be encouraged to develop projects and programs from the ground up.

The Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project Manager position is primarily based in Grays Harbor, however Grays Harbor and Pacific Conservation Districts are jointly managed, so this position may involve project work in Pacific County. This position is fully funded through at least June 30, 2023. The Watershed Restoration Program team is committed to continuing to secure grant/partnership funds that will support this position on an ongoing basis.

The Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project Manager also works with District staff to help support other District objectives and activities.

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