Download the summary of resolutions
Resolutions adopted at WACD’s 2021 annual business meeting held on November 30, 2021, are now available in summary form as a download:
Resolutions as assigned to WACD Committees
After area associations pass resolutions, the process for advancing resolutions to the WACD’s annual business meeting consists of (a) assigning resolutions to the appropriate WACD committees, (b) committees review assigned resolutions, and (c) committee chairs present each resolution to the membership with one of three recommendations:
- Vote to recommend passage
- Vote to recommend passage with amendments; or,
- Recommend Do-Not-Pass
Resolutions were assigned to the Natural Resources Policy Committee (NRPC) and to the Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee (LBDPC). In addition, resolutions proposing changes to bylaws were handled by the WACD Executive Committee per WACD’s bylaws.
On November 4, 2021, the NRPC and the LBDPC heard testimony from the conservation districts that sponsored resolutions adopted at area association meetings. Committee members were able to ask questions of the sponsors and seek clarification. Other interested parties were invited to provide their comments at this time as well.
On November 15, 2021, the WACD Board of Directors reviewed proposed changes to WACD’s bylaws and voted to move all but one forward to the statewide meeting.
On November 20th, the NRPC and LBDPC met again to offer amendments and adopt their recommendations to the remaining resolutions pending. Committee votes are conducted by the committee members present and recommendations require a simple majority vote.
Committees may also consider an original Committee Resolution (i.e. a resolution that was not adopted at area meetings) but that did not occur in 2021.
Natural Resources Committee
Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee
Bylaws resolutions for the WACD Board
Current status of 2021 resolutions
Below is a table showing the current status of 2021 resolutions following the WACD annual business meeting held on November 30, 2021.
Resolution | Description | Area / Sponsor | Committee | Status 11/19/2021 |
2021-01 WACD establish workgroup to evaluate HAB problem and funding | WACD supports formation of a workgroup to assess the status of HABs in the state, the adequacy of current funding for monitoring HABs, the adequacy of funding for programs to address HABs statewide, and to recommend actions that conservation districts should take to reduce the frequency and duration of HABs in Washington. The committee has a one-year charter to report back to the association and the board. | NW - Whidbey Island CD | Natural Resources Policy Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-02 Request for NRCS to update the reimbursable rate for riparian practices | WACD supports working with NACD to request NRCS re-evaluate their payment rate for riparian practices (612, 614, 490, 382, 384, 395, 643, 647, other as identified), and to adopt a new rate that recognizes the true regional cost of implementing effective riparian restoration. | NW - Skagit CD | Natural Resources Policy Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-03 Reverse New FSA Emergency Conservation Program Rules on Fencing | WACD and NACD work with the USDA Farm Service Agency to revert the recent Emergency Conservation Program rules to pre-2021 rules, particularly in regards to full replacement of fencing, making public lands eligible for practice installation, and giving local county committees their jurisdiction to adapt the program as needed. | NC - Okanogan CD | Natural Resources Policy Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-04 Support WA NRCS Approval for Cost-Share for Soil Carbon Amendment | WACD work with Washington State NRCS and others as appropriate to get the Soil Carbon Amendment (808) added to the necessary list of cost-share eligible practices in Washington State. | NC - Okanogan CD | Natural Resources Policy Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-05 Livestock Riparian Water Rights | WACD to comment on the draft changes to Dept of Ecology Policy 1025 in the form that the policy changes is significantly negatively impact the potential of voluntary water quality and riparian habitat protections. And put into jeopardy livestock grazing operations which do not have documented water rights. And comment that current alternatives such as drilling wells and hauling water in many cases is not feasible. WACD shall also create a Livestock Task Force to address the issue of livestock water rights and others livestock issues as identified. WACD and WSCC to track progress of changes and keep all Conservation Districts informed and coordinate efforts to ensure livestock have water rights from historical use and or carrying capacity of pasture and range with surface water. | NE - Stevens County CD | Natural Resources Policy Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-06 Solar Panel Position Statement | 11/4/2021: 11/20/2021: That WACD develop a position statement by March 1st of 2022, to address the conversion of working lands including shrubsteppe to solar farms. And the negative effect of taking working lands out of production to mitigate solar farms. FINAL 11/30/2021: That WACD develop a position statement to address the conversion of working lands to solar farms. And the effect of taking working lands out of production to mitigate solar farms. And to present a recommendation on the position at the Annual Business Meeting in 2022. | SC - SC Area Association | Natural Resources Policy Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted following additional amendments from the floor. |
2021-07B WACD establish a sustainable funding committee | The WACD president establish (under Part X,§1 of the WACD by-laws) a permanent committee to review and develop identified and new opportunities for consistent and stable funding for CDs statewide. The sustainable funding committee will report progress and recommendations to the WACD board quarterly or as actions require. A progress report to the membership will be made at least annually. (Consider adding WACD as recipient of possible sources of revenue for distribution to CDs.) | NW - NW Area Association | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: DO PASS recommendation for resolution 2021-07B by committee, and DO NOT PASS recommendations for resolutions 2021-07A, 07C, 07D, 07E, and 07F • 11/30/2021: This was addressed later in the meeting in the section on bylaws changes. It passed by unanimous voice vote. |
2021-08 Workplace Policy Improvements | WACD to work with WSCC to craft template language for a grievance policy and procedure that conservation districts may choose to adopt or adapt. | SW - Cowlitz CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-09 Stable Funding for CD Wildfire Risk Assessments | WACD shall make it a policy priority to communicate the need for fire preparedness funding | NC - Okanogan CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-10 Establish Area Cost Share Rates | WACD work with member districts and WSCC to develop landowner equipment use/rental rates more appropriate to local areas. Rates will be reviewed and renewed every two years and submitted to the WSCC. WACD will work with WSCC to ensure these area rates are eligible for cost-share reimbursement rates. | NE - Lincoln County CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-11 Prioritize Status Quo Budget | SE - Walla Walla County CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-12 Transparent and Identifiable Agency Visits | WACD to work with other agencies to be fully transparent on all official contact/activities with property owners through prior notification and acceptance of proposed dealings. Additionally, to be properly identified through vehicle, clothing, and other means necessary. | SE - Columbia CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-13 WACD Support for Overtime Exemption During Harvest Periods | That WACD support any legislative proposals that reinstate the agricultural work exemptions from overtime standards from both the federal fair labor standards act and the state minimum wage act during periods of harvest. | SC - Franklin CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO NOT PASS • 11/30/2021: Adopted on a roll call vote of the membership |
2021-14 Correcting Technological caused issues from 2020 WACD meeting | WACD recognizes the use of technology and in-person meetings and how either can be exclusionary. WACD values its members and makes reasonable effort to ensure members input is heard. | SC - North Yakima CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
2021-15 Adherence to WACD By-Laws | First, WACD shall re-adopt the WACD by-laws as written and approved by the WACD body prior to the WACD 2020 Annual meeting. Second, WACD hold the WACD Board, WACD Officers and WACD Executive Director accountable to carry out our By-Laws at all times. | SC - North Yakima CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: DO PASS motion failed for lack of a second. • 11/15/2021: The WACD Board of Directors considered, but did not recommend, this resolution. Therefore, resolution 2021-15 will not be presented at the 2021 Annual Business Meeting. |
2021-16 Supervisor Code of Conduct | That WSCC and the WACD Board of Directors (as defined in WACD’s By-Laws) initiate discussions around the need for a Code of Conduct for Conservation District Supervisors. If those discussions warrant a review and/or development of further action items then the WSCC shall lead the effort. The WACD Board of Directors will task the | SC - North Yakima CD | Legislative, Bylaws, and District Policies Committee | • 11/4/2021: Reviewed by committee • 11/20/2021: DO PASS AS AMENDED • 11/30/2021: Adopted as recommended by the Committee |
Adoption of recommendations of the Joint Committee on Elections
On November 30, 2021, a motion to adopt the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Elections was adopted on a voice vote. Those recommendations are summarized as:
- Part 1: Conduct elections every other year.
- Part 2: Extend supervisor terms (both appointed and elected) from three-year terms to four-year terms.
- Part 3: Conduct district elections during one “Conservation Month”.
- Part 4: Allow conservation districts the option to go on the general election ballot.
Bylaws changes
Several proposed changes to WACD bylaws were presented to the WACD membership on November 30, 2021, for action:
- Resolution 2021-07B WACD establish a sustainable funding committee
- Rock Lake CD Name Change
- WACD Officer Term of Service
- Representation of non-dues paying WACD Member-Districts
- Participation at Annual Business Meetings
A motion was made to adopt all changes as a slate. Members asked that the resolution about a sustainable funding committee and the change in WACD officer terms be removed from the slate. The remaining items were adopted on a voice vote of the members.
Resolution 2021-07B about WACD establishing a sustainable funding committee was adopted by a voice vote with no votes cast against and no voters abstaining.
The proposed change in WACD officer terms of service for the president and vice president from a one-year term with a two-term limit was adopted on a voice vote of the members. This change does not take effect for officers elected at this meeting; it will be effective with the next officer election at the 2022 annual business meeting.
Other business brought from the floor
On November 30, 2021, a motion was brought to the floor to reconsider the adoption of the recommendations of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by the WACD Board of Directors on November 15, 2021. The Motion to Reconsider was adopted, followed by substantial discussion by the membership on the committee’s recommended policy statement and proposed three-year plan. A motion to refer the matter back to the committee failed on a voice vote and the proposed recommendations were then adopted via a voice vote.
Download the adopted policy and three-year action list:
- WACD Policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2552 downloads )
- WACD DEI Committee three-year action plan (2108 downloads )