Background on WACD committees

WACD depends on various standing committees to help guide and advise the Board of Directors in the conduct of the Association’s business. For example, the Finance Committee regularly reviews financial reports and considers ways to improve accounting and reporting.

While the WACD Board of Directors “shall establish committees it deems necessary…[including] permanent committees and special committees,” the WACD President appoints all members of standing committees, per Part X of the WACD bylaws:

The President shall have the following responsibilities, in addition to any others that may be prescribed in Association policies…Appoint committees, committee chairs, and committee members.

Part XII of the bylaws speaks to committees and task forces. Committees are advisory only, except for the Executive Committee. Permanent committees, also called standing committees, are identified in Part XII Section 2:

Permanent committees shall include the Executive Committee; Officer Recruitment Committee; Finance Committee; Legislative, Bylaws and District Policies Committee; Natural Resources Policy Committee; and Tribal Relations Committee.

By WACD policy adopted by the Board of Directors, committee member terms are set at four years.

Committee changes

President Dorner recently reviewed the roster of committee members on the Natural Resources Policy Committee, noting that the term of service for five committee members had expired.

WACD appreciates the service of Jack Clark (Benton Conservation District), John Keatley (Cowlitz Conservation District), Dean Longrie (Clark Conservation District), and Mike Tobin (North Yakima Conservation District) on the Natural Resources Policy Committee.

Committee member Lorah Super (Okanogan Conservation District) was reappointed and will continue to serve.

We welcome new Committee members Harold Crose (Grant Conservation District), David Iyall (Thurston Conservation District), Aneesha Dieu (Columbia Conservation District), and Linda Lyshall (Snohomish Conservation District) to the Natural Resources Policy Committee, joining Mike Mumford (Pend Oreille CD) and Alan Chapman (Whatcom CD) to constitute the membership of this year’s iteration of WACD’s Natural Resources Policy Committee.

Find the roster of current committee members at
