The PMC Update for September 2, 2021

Observance of Labor Day

The PMC will be closed on September 6 in observance of Labor Day. Before we get out the grill though one should reflect on the nature of the holiday. It was first signed into law by President Grover Cleveland in 1894 as a way to recognize the American workers who contribute to American prosperity and well-being. It is appropriate to honor those who keep this country running but that recognition should be ongoing instead of just one day out of the year.

In honor of the employees who work at the PMC we would like to give a shout-out to them and thank them for their efforts by mentioning them individually:

Jim Brown, PMC Manager

Jim has been with the PMC for 24 years. As manager, he is responsible for staff, production, and much, much more.

Lori McLaughlin, Administrative Assistant / HR

Lori has been with the PMC for 20 years. She is responsible for maintaining the books, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, employee records, the safety program and so much more. She also provides similar services for the Executive operation.

Bill Mulder, Farm Operations Supervisor

Bill has been with the PMC for 15 years. As Farm Operations Supervisor Bill is in charge of the equipment, farm operations, and running the lifting crew during harvest. He works magic on keeping the old equipment running.

John Knox, Assistant Manager

John has been with the PMC for 2 years. He is responsible for a large part of seed collections and processing, supervising the packing shed crew, shipping, as well as a variety of cultural practices. When he came here his position was newly created and he has proven how important it is to have an assistant manager on staff.

Jacquie Gauthier, Sales Manager

Jacquie returned to her old position in June. She was sales manager here from 2007 to 2012. She is in charge of maintaining the inventory, sales, and customer service. She stepped into the job at the beginning of a significant increase in sales and has been terrific in keeping up and finding ways to do things better.

Maria Rivera, Crew Supervisor

Maria has been with us for a little less than a year. She supervises the packing shed crew during harvest, the planting crew in the spring, and the weeding crew in the summer. She maintains a good rapport with the crew and sees to it that they understand what needs to be done.

The Crew

The PMC hires 20 seasonal people during harvest and 6 people during the summer. Some have been with us for several years. The quality and quantity of their work are second to none. They are great to work with and deserve a huge shout-out this Labor Day.

As we are burning the hot dogs on the grill this weekend, we should think about those whose work is important to us all, and while we are choking down the burnt hamburger remember to give yourself a pat on the back for all that you do.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Jim Brown, WACD PMC Nursery Manager
