On 9/5/21, Governor Inslee issued Proclamation 20-25.16, amending the previous “Washington Ready” proclamation. Here are the highlights:

  • Local governments and landlords are prohibited from preventing or prohibiting any person, business, entity, or tenant from imposing face mask requirements or requiring proof of vaccination. Also prohibits taking or threatening to take any adverse action against individuals or entities that impose such requirements. Essentially, a CD that leases out office space to another entity cannot tell that tenant/entity that they may not impose a mask or vaccination mandate.
  • Stronger language is included that states “I further prohibit any governmental…or private party from allowing any individual to enter or remain in any indoor space under their control unless the individual is in compliance with the Secretary of Health’s face covering order…”
  • All employers must notify their local health jurisdiction within 24 hours if they suspect COVID-19 is spreading in their workplace, or if they are aware of 2 or more employees who develop confirmed or suspected COVID-19 within a 14-day period.

You can track the latest updates on MRSC’s Governor’s Proclamations and State Guidance Webpage.

Source: Washington State Conservation Commission, sent via GovDelivery 9/10/21
