NACD extends award nomination deadline to September 10

NACD would like your help in promoting the 2021 NACD Service Awards nominations, so they have extended the nomination deadline to Friday, September 10. The NACD Awards Program is a simple way to give national recognition to those in our lives whose contributions make an impact on the conservation of our natural resources.

The winners will receive a plaque, complimentary registration to the NACD Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla., a complimentary banquet ticket for the event, and national recognition in various NACD publications.

All nominations will receive a certificate of honorable mention and a copy of your nomination text, which will let them know how much you appreciate their contributions. No matter the outcome, the NACD awards program offers you a chance to say “thank you.”

The NACD Service Awards are divided into two categories:

The Friend of Conservation Award recognizes an individual, business, organization, or agency outside the national association for outstanding contributions to the conservation of our nation’s natural resources. Any individual, business, organization, or agency that is not directly associated with conservation districts at the local, state/territory or national level is eligible to receive this award.

The NACD Distinguished Service Award recognizes an individual within the association, a conservation district, or a state/territory association that has made significant contributions to the conservation and proper management of our nation’s natural resources. Nominees can be involved with districts or the association at any level, including past NACD officers. Nominations are also accepted for individuals posthumously.

Nominations for these awards can be submitted by anyone, so please share this notice with your colleagues and partners in conservation. More details on these and other NACD awards can be found on the NACD website. To view previous award winners, visit the NACD Awards Archives.
