A Future for All in FFA

Growing more leaders by embracing our differences

The summer of 2020 will be tied forever to both the COVID-19 pandemic and the worldwide marches and protests for social justice. The demonstrations raised our awareness of the importance of diversity, inclusion and equity — and all the places they’re lacking.

For years, FFA has sought to grow more in these areas. The organization took root in 1928 as a place that provided a sense of belonging for youth in farming. Nearly a century later, steps toward broader accessibility and inclusion have been taken. But it is fundamentally clear that FFA must continue the progress and take greater steps to remain relevant to students today.

Since 2018, an initiative underway by the National FFA Organization and the National Association of Agricultural Educators has sought to celebrate the diversity of students and educators in agricultural education. The initiative, called Agricultural Education for All, will provide results-orientated training to students, teachers and advisors alike.

As this initiative rolls out, FFA New Horizons will play a significant role. To kick things off, we’re highlighting three FFA members willing to share some of their experiences to promote understanding and awareness.

Source: A Future for All in FFA | National FFA Organization
