TL;DR – June 3, 2021: Gov. Jay Inslee today issued updates for most business and employee guidance documents to incorporate the new facial covering guidance from the CDC and Washington Department of Health. Also, Gov. Jay Inslee today announced a suite of new incentives to help encourage unvaccinated Washingtonians to get the COVID shot.

Washington State COVID-19 Status Report: June 3, 2021

Inslee announces update to business and employee guidance documents

Gov. Jay Inslee today issued updates for most business and employee guidance documents to incorporate the new facial covering guidance from the CDC and Washington Department of Health.

Additionally, the governor announced that some industries with minimal customer or general public interaction will no longer need to follow additional guidance. They will instead only need to follow the COVID-19 workplace health and safety measures established by the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I).

Read all business and employee guidance here.

Inslee announces vaccination incentives

Gov. Jay Inslee today announced a suite of new incentives to help encourage unvaccinated Washingtonians to get the COVID shot.

The Washington State Lottery will be conducting a “Shot of a Lifetime” giveaway series during the month of June, working with state agencies, technology companies, sports teams and higher education institutions across the state to offer a myriad of different prizes to vaccinated individuals.

The incentives announced today include:

  • Lottery cash drawings, with prizes totaling $2 million
  • Higher education tuition and expense assistance
  • Sports tickets and gear
  • Gift cards
  • Airline tickets
  • Game systems and smart speakers

“These generous programs will encourage more Washingtonians to take this life-saving vaccine,” Inslee said during a press conference Thursday. “I hope people will see this as an opportunity to reopen even sooner than June 30 if we can stay motivated, stay informed and get more people vaccinated faster throughout the month of June.”

According to the most recent data from the Department of Health (DOH), approximately 63% of Washingtonians 16 years and older have initiated their vaccinations. The state hopes that the incentives announced today will entice unvaccinated people to initiate their vaccinations and raise the statewide rate to save more lives and protect more people.

Washington is set to reopen fully on June 30, or when the percentage of eligible adults who have initiated vaccination reaches 70%, whichever comes first.

Read the rest of the story on the governor’s Medium page.

COVID-19 Reopening Guidance for Businesses and Workers

On June 2, Governor Inslee announced that some industries with minimal customer or general public interaction will no longer need to follow additional guidance. They will instead only need to follow the COVID-19 workplace health and safety measures established by the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I).

Important Reference Documents

Healthy Washington Requirements

The following business activities must adhere to the occupancy and operation requirements outlined for their region’s Healthy Washington phase:

Spectator Events

Religious and Faith-Based Organizations

Professional Services

Personal Services

Eating and Drinking Establishments

Weddings, Funerals and Events

Sports, Recreation and Fitness

Indoor Entertainment Establishments

Outdoor Entertainment Establishments​

All employers must follow COVID-19 prevention protocols for employees as required by the Department of Labor and Industries. Industry-specific workplace requirements are listed below:

Additional Industry Requirements​

For additional industry-specific safety practices, including those for Farm and Agricultural Workers, Food Workers and Establishments, schools, healthcare providers, and others, please visit the Department of Health’s Resources and Recommendations Page.

Brynn Brady, Ceiba Consulting | Martin Flynn Public Affairs, Inc. | 253.686.3387