Five things you should know about the PMC for April 15, 2021
COVID-19 Update

All COVID protocols continue and all staff and crew are healthy. Washington State is now allowing all over the age of 16 to receive the vaccine. Most of the staff have received at least one dose, as have several of the crew. Some seem apprehensive about it but that may change as others get vaccinated without complications.
March Financials
The financial reports for March have been completed. A few highlights include:
- Aged Receivables – As of March 31 the aged receivables were $162,424. That sounds like a lot except for this: all but $14,775 of it are accounts that are less than 30 days out and within the net 30 days allowed under our terms and conditions. Most of the nine accounts that are over 30 days out are customers in good standing who have always paid.
- Revenues – The revenues posted on the March 2021 profit-and-loss statement reflect revenues that have been received and deposited. They do not account for plants that have not shipped or any unpaid invoices for plants that have shipped. The Total Operating Revenues year-to-date as of March 31, 2021 are $938,569 which are on par with the March 31, 2020 total of $951,827.
- Expenses – Expenses for March 31, 2021 year-to-date of $914,426 are up slightly from the March 31, 2020 expense total of $879,498. A few notable increases were Accounting (due the review that the accountant conducted), brokered stock and inbound shipping (which are offset by corresponding increases in revenue), and seasonal labor (due to an increase in the minimum wage).

Sales have exceeded last year’s sales as of March 31. Sales on March 31, 2021 totaled $1,103,802. For comparison, on March 31, 2020, sales totaled $1,092,416. This year’s figures will increase through April and by the time the sales season ends in early May they could be firmly on top. Sales typically taper off through April and this year is no exception. Those planting bare root plants usually try to get their planting done before it gets warm and dry. The PMC requests that customers get their plants by early May. By mid-May, it is time to wrap up bare root season.
Staff Change
PMC Sales Manager Jess Oman has submitted her resignation. She is pursuing a different job. Jess has brought many improvements to PMC sales during her time here and will be missed. A job announcement has been posted to several suitable job boards and trade publications.
Life Goes On
Transplanting has been completed. Almost 250,000 conifers were planted in two weeks. All went well and they look good. They will be the plug-1 conifers offered next winter/spring. These are often in high demand, particularly this year, so if anyone needs Western Red Cedar, Western Hemlock, Western Larch, or Noble Fir next season they should consider placing an order sooner than later!

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jim Brown, WACD PMC Nursery Manager