Updated rosters for the five primary committees — called Foundation Committees — for the National Association of Conservation Districts were announced today. Three people from Washington State are included:

  • Tom Salzer, advisor to the District Operations and Member Services Committee
  • Doug Rushton, member of the Natural Resource Policy Committee
  • Wade Troutman, member of the Natural Resource Policy Committee

District Operations and Member Services Committee

The District Operations and Member Services Committee works to improve the connectivity between the local districts, state associations and national organization by providing resources that assist in the daily operations of a conservation district. The committee also works closely with partnering agencies to build upon the existing services NACD provides to individual, district and state association members.

Natural Resource Policy Committee

The Natural Resources Policy Committee is responsible for coordinating activities and formulating policy recommendations in all areas, which include but are not limited to agricultural lands, water resources, forestry, urban, wildlife habitat and grazing lands.

Find the full Foundation Committee rosters in this attachment: 2021 NACD Committees Roster
