Five things that you should know about the PMC for March 11, 2021

COVID-19 Update

All COVID protocols continue and all staff and crew are healthy. There is talk of making the vaccine available to those under 65 that work in ag-related activities.


As of 3/10/21 sales stand at $1,049,278 which is still $60,622 short of the sales budget for this year which is $1,109,900. Sales should exceed that amount before the season is over. Sales also lag behind last year when sales were $1,104,813 on 3/5/20. It may be difficult to surpass last year’s numbers but we are well ahead of where they were two years ago when sales were $982,270 on 3/20/19.


2-0 Conifer Seedbed
2-0 Conifer Seedbed

Harvest is over. Bare root harvest was completed last Friday and live stake processing ends today. The next step is field cleanup followed by transplanting. Even though harvest is over the PMC still has stock available that is held in the cooler until May. Please contact us if there is anything you might need and we can see how we can help.

February Financials

The financial reports for February have been finished. The PMC is where it needs to be this time of year. The accounts receivable of $173,441 are entirely composed of accounts that are under 60 days. There are not any concerns yet of any going delinquent. Revenues as of 2/28/21 are $586,414 and at the same time last year, they were $573,877. Expenses as of 2/28/21 of $721,161 are close to where they were this time last year of $694,136. The greatest variances are Accounting which includes the review the accountant conducted this year, Staff Wages which increased from adding a COLA and some merit increases, and Seasonal Wages due to an increase in the minimum wage.

Life Goes On

Seed Stratification
Seed Stratification

The very big primary focus for the past three months has been bringing plants in for processing and shipping them out. We always have to keep up on ongoing propagation needs so that there will be plants ready for next year and the year after. This week marks almost 60 days until spring seed sowing. Seeds of some species require a 60-day moist/cold treatment (stratification) to break seed dormancy, such as the different species of Alder and Birch. They are sanitized and placed in a bag of moist pearlite which is stored on a refrigerator for 60 days, after which they will be ready to be planted. This time next month the species requiring 30 days of stratification will go through the same process.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Jim

Jim Brown, WACD PMC Nursery Manager
