WACD Legislative Week Materials & Legislative Lunch

WACD Legislative Lunch

For those interested or planning to participate in Legislative Week starting March 10th, we invite our members and partners to attend a “Legislative Lunch” virtual event on March 8th from 12 – 1 PM via Zoom. This will be in a style similar to our in-person “Legislative Breakfasts” from previous years, though please plan on providing your own food. We will be doing a brief overview on the legislative session thus far, what budget information districts should know, and the necessary tips for these virtual legislative appointments.

WACD Legislative Lunch
March 8th from 12 – 1 PM
Zoom Meeting Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85476391800
Zoom Phone Info – (253) 215-8782 | Meeting ID – 854 7639 1800#

Legislative Week Materials

In addition to this virtual event for preparation, WACD prepared a “Legislative 1-Pager” that you can learn more about here. Because of the focus on budget priorities for many districts, we recommend becoming familiarized with the term “Conservation Technical Assistance” and why WACD has targeted that as our #1 budget priority. Increased CTA funding in the Conservation Commission’s Operating Budget translates to implementation grants to conservation districts where local priorities determine how those dollars are spent. If your district has additional state funding sources important to their district, the Commission has additional handouts on their programs like Natural Resource Investments (NRI) and Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) available on their website (https://www.scc.wa.gov/cd/overview).

We plan for these materials to supplemental any local documents. Many districts prepare their own information on local projects and programs, resources to speak to first as part of educating your elected officials on the importance of funding conservation districts in the state budget.

Legislative Week Handouts
