WACD approved an annual work plan for calendar year 2021 at the February 15th Board of Directors meeting.

The plan is based on the strategic plan adopted by WACD in November 2020. Four goals are identified, each with multiple approaches and tasks.


GOAL 1: Provide advocacy and support for member conservation districts, seeking continual improvement

With the Legislature in session at this time, much of WACD’s time and energy is going toward advocating for our member conservation districts. We are making progress on many of the Goal 1 tasks.

GOAL 2: Act with fairness, integrity, and transparency, being accountable to members and partners

The creation of the Hub to share more information more frequently helps to address some of the Goal 2 tasks.

GOAL 3: Maintain and strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of WACD

Many of the tasks in Goal 3 have a longer development time. WACD is thinking about how to implement these tasks so this is a “stay tuned” part of the annual plan.

GOAL 4: Form and support strategic partnerships to maximize effectiveness and reduce duplication of effort

Forming and supporting partnerships is embedded in WACD’s DNA. We have continued to advance core relationships within our membership and partners while also investing energy in other entities whose missions intersect with those of conservation districts and WACD.

We expect that the annual plan will evolve as we follow the plan and discover tasks that don’t go quite as expected. Meanwhile, we’ll report progress here on the Hub!

More background

The WACD annual plan was developed through the work of a workgroup drawn from all across Washington State. We coordinated specific tasks during the planning process through a project planning service called Freedcamp. That task list is available online.

We appreciate the help of all workgroup members.

