NACD has published a prospectus on collaborating with NACD, and on page 14 is the description of the new Friends of NACD grant program:

The Friends of NACD District Grants program supports locally-led conservation, funding conservation district projects. In 2020, NACD’s Friends of NACD awarded grants totaling $10,000 to four districts.

Download the prospectus: FY21_NACD_Prospectus

NACD prospectus
NACD prospectus
More information about the grant program is available at:

NACD may be expanding the grants-to-districts program in the future, and to accomplish that, they will need to raise more funds. This is a great opportunity for individuals, districts, and associations to provide support for our wider conservation community across the country.

NACD passes 70 percent of funds received to conservation districts through these grants so you can be assured that most of your contribution is going out to districts.

You can get involved through this link:

