
  • U.S. employment increased by 49,000 jobs in January; the unemployment rate
    declined to 6.3%.
  • U.S. initial claims for unemployment insurance decreased this week but the four
    week moving average has remained above 800,000 for nine weeks.
  • U.S. real GDP increased by 4.0% in the fourth quarter of 2020.
  • U.S. residential construction activity continued to grow in December.
  • Washington housing construction improved in the fourth quarter of 2020 and slightly
    exceeded the forecast.
  • Washington exports declined over the year for a ninth consecutive quarter.
  • Major General Fund-State (GF-S) revenue collections for the January 11, 2020 –
    February 10, 2021 collection period came in $269.5 million (15.3%) higher than
    forecasted in November, primarily due to Revenue Act tax collections.
  • Cumulatively, collections are now $592.6 million (9.0%) higher than forecasted.

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