All of us have had to “roll with the punches” in 2020 as we faced new challenges for which most of us were wholly unprepared. COVDI-19 sent shock waves through the economies of countries around the world. We have all seen impacts from COVID-19 in our local communities, too.

Conditions look much the same in 2021 with two exceptions: vaccines are becoming more widely available and, having some experience with COVID-19 behind us, we are somewhat better prepared than we were a year ago.

Working through the disruptions created by COVID-19 has been a catalyst for transformation in all kinds of businesses, governments, and organizations…and this includes our conservation districts.

A new survey finds that responses to COVID-19 have speeded the adoption of digital technologies by several years—and that many of these changes could be here for the long haul. –

We now know that some of the changes we quickly adopted over the past year are going to be with us for years to come. One of those is providing a remote option to important meetings. WACD has this in mind as we begin planning for the 2021 WACD annual meeting after Thanksgiving.

From tough times can come positive things. Our conservation delivery system is the result of the tragedy of the Dust Bowl. Our conservation community members are used to dealing with problems and finding ways to turn them into opportunities.

The time we are in now presents us with continuing challenges. I have great confidence in our people, in our processes, and in our desire to always do better and to become better.

Even though we have had to adapt to new difficulties, our entire conservation community is working hard to get ahead of those challenges because of our shared interest in better serving our people, no matter where they are. No other group I know is so well versed in dealing with adversity and finding creative ways to move forward!

Change before you have to. – Jack Welch

Best always,

Tom Salzer, Executive Director

