Along similar lines, ICMA’s Grant pointed out that remote work isn’t just about where people are physically working. “It’s how they’re delivering the programs and services,” he said. “That’s where remote work, at the end of the day, becomes important. Is this a way that we provide better programs and services to the people? Are we more effective and more efficient? That’s what the city managers are going to consider as they look to the future of it.”

Source: Covid-19’s Lasting Mark on Remote Work in State and Local Agencies – Route Fifty

Along similar lines, ICMA’s Grant pointed out that remote work isn’t just about where people are physically working. “It’s how they’re delivering the programs and services,” he said. “That’s where remote work, at the end of the day, becomes important. Is this a way that we provide better programs and services to the people? Are we more effective and more efficient? That’s what the city managers are going to consider as they look to the future of it.”
