1. Legislative session starts on January 11th

This will be the most different legislative session that we have ever seen. WACD is working with
our contract lobbyist on final strategies and messaging.

2. WACD to provide scholarships to NACD Annual Meeting

As heralded in the December 23rd 5 Things newsletter (use WACD1942 if prompted for a
password, and subscribe at https://wadistricts.org/subscribe) WACD will pay the registration to the
NACD annual meeting for one conservation district supervisor from each of our 45 districts. The
deadline on this offer is January 22, 2021. This is an important year for Washington State: we
have a new federal administration about to take office; Michael Crowder (Benton CD) is about to
become the next NACD President; and Farm Bill conversations are already happening. This is a
perfect year to attend the NACD annual meeting and get to know the many ways your national
association works for you.

3. WACD seeks Area Directors for NE and SE areas

WACD continues to seek one new area director for the Northeast Area Association of
Conservation Districts and one to represent the Southeast Area Association of Conservation

4. WACD Board work session on January 18th

The WACD Board of Directors will hold a work session on Monday, January 18, 2021 from 6:00
pm to 8:30 pm. Watch the Board of Directors webpage for details.

5. WACD Annual Work Plan is in progress

The WACD Annual Plan Work Group has been assisting Executive Director Tom Salzer in
developing a proposed annual plan. The WACD Board will review the proposed draft at their
work session January 18th work session.
