In July, the Washington Association of Conservation Districts published the first draft of a new strategic plan. That work came about because of member input. The first version of the draft was the result of ideas contributed by a team of folks from around Washington State. The same team has continued to refine and improve those ideas, resulting in the second draft of the strategic plan. We are now ready to expand the circle by inviting feedback from conservation districts and partners.
The latest draft is now available by clicking here.
Section 1 contains mission, vision, and principles statements. These elements are intended to be fairly permanent, i.e., remaining evergreen from year to year. In the first draft, we had purpose statements but those are changed in this second draft to statements of values or principles. These values/principles statements are intended to capture fundamental beliefs that bind us together and allow us to work together effectively to implement conservation programs and services.
Section 2 contains goals and strategic approaches. Where Section 1 elements build the foundation for who we are, where we are headed, and the ways we choose to operate, Section 2 sketches the shape of future activities. The strategic plan, taken as a whole cloth, is intended to form the basis for crafting more detailed, explicit action or work plans.
WACD invites comments and feedback on this work by Friday, October 16, 2020.
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