Update: find the updated draft plan at https://wadistricts.org/2020/09/17/comments-requested-on-draft-wacd-strategic-plan
Last year, WACD heard a consistent theme from members: the Association needs a strategic plan! Since then, a work group was formed to draft the components of a strategic plan.
Plan being built in two parts
WACD is building the strategic plan in two parts. The first part contains the foundation pieces for the second part. Part 1 includes vision, mission, and priorities statements. Part 2 is focused on specific deliverables and metrics, consisting of goals, actions, and a scorecard.
At the June 23rd meeting of the WACD Board of Directors, the Part 1 elements (vision, mission, priorities) were proposed to the Board. After some edits, the Board agreed to distribute the first half of its draft 2020 Strategic Plan for initial comment from conservation districts and partners.
Review and comment encouraged
We actively encourage our Washington’s conservation districts, individuals, and others to review and provide feedback on these first three strategic plan elements. WACD Staff and Area Directors will be attending local district board meetings during the months of July and August to directly solicit comments. Please provide all comments by August 31.
The second set of components (goals, actions, and scorecard) will be disseminated after presentation to the Board at its September 15th meeting. We expect that a full draft of the strategic plan will be presented at the October Area Meetings and considered for adoption by the WACD Board at it’s December meeting.
Proposed statements
The vision statement describes the outcome the Association is aiming for.
Proposed – "WACD’s vision is to fully support local conservation districts in the conservation of natural resources for near and long-term use."
The mission statement is a summary of why the Association exists.
Proposed – "WACD’s mission is to serve as the collective voice of conservation districts and to help them achieve their purposes."
Priorities are the fundamental philosophies and values – the things that are most important to WACD – that drive the Association toward specific goals and actions. These proposed priorities are not ranked or listed in order of importance – they are all important.
Proposed –
- Advise conservation districts on strategic approaches to ensure effective achievement of their objectives.
- Protect and promote conservation district’s interests, stability, roles, and growth at state, regional, and national levels.
- Coordinate with conservation partners across Washington State and nationally.
- Preserve and advance the locally led, voluntary principle and the role of conservation districts with local, state, tribal, and federal government agencies.
- Facilitate the resolution of natural resource problems impacting sustainable use of natural resources with reason and influence.
- Facilitate communications between districts to enhance the impact of unity and collective action.
- Provide timely information, education, training, and leadership to conservation districts and partners.
- Inspire and educate conservation district supervisors to a full understanding and acceptance of their responsibilities for leadership and governance.
- Ensure that financial resources are sufficient to sustain WACD operations in support of member conservation districts through the management of a profitable Plant Materials Center and other revenue-generating activities.
We welcome your feedback on the proposed mission, vision, and priorities statements. Please use the following form to provide feedback, contact your Area Directors, or reach out to WACD staff.
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