The Washington Association of Conservation Districts has released a Request for Proposals for an Event Planner.

Submissions are due at noon (PST) on July 19th to Ryan Baye.

Please see the full document for more information.

WACD Annual Meeting RFP

As per the request, WACD is publicly posting the questions asked by those interested in submitting a bid.

1) Will staff be required to be on-site during the event? If so, will lodging be provided.
Staff will likely be required to be present during the event, though that decision will be made as part of a joint decision during preparations and planning. If that determination is made, WACD will assume the cost of lodging.

2) Does a sponsorship matrix need to be developed for the conference? And what is the expected income from sponsors?
A matrix is in final development already. And the expected income from sponsors is $5,000-$7,000.

3) How many topics will be necessary?
At the current point in planning, two larger topics is the assumed format with the potential for simultaneous breakout sessions with focused sub-topics.

4) Who will be responsible for on-site signage?
WACD will be responsible for on-site signage.

5) Who will be responsible for working with speakers in designing a common template and reviewing presentations? And who will be responsible for logistics for said presentations.
The consultant will be primarily responsible for working with speakers in creating their presentations, with assistance by WACD where appropriate. WACD will be responsible for presentation logistics.

6) Can a previous year’s program be shared?
Yes. Please follow this link to see our “pocket program” from the 2018 Annual Meeting. WACD Pocket Program.


