Resolutions » 2020 Resolutions



Resolutions adopted at WACD business meeting

ResolutionDescriptionStatus 11/15/2021
WACD Revolving Fund to Build CD Capacity
Resolved, WACD shall investigate the advisability of establishing a revolving fund to provide lines of credit to districts with demonstrated need for funds to capture grant or contract funding. It shall report back by September 1, 2021.Referred to WACD Finance Committee
Support SCC operating and capital budget requests for FY21-23 biennium
WACD will work closely with all conservation districts statewide, SCC and other partners, to fully support the SCC operating and capital budget requests for the FY21-23 biennium through contacts with the Governor’s Office of Financial Management and Legislators.Priority position with WACD lobbyist. Status: complete.
Extending Electronic Training Resources
WACD supports the increased use of electronic and remote learning opportunities as a part of training programs for conservation districts that is provided by state conservation agencies and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.For consideration by NACD.
February 2021: Adopted by NACD.
Rural Broadband Internet Access
WACD supports increased rural broadband internet and cell phone access, infrastructure, and affordability for all working lands and residents.For consideration by NACD.
February 2021: Adopted by NACD.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement & Work Plan Development
WACD will convene a committee to develop a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy recommendation by September 2021. This recommendation will be provided to all Conservation Districts for consideration at their Area Meetings with action by the WACD at its annual meeting. The Committee will also provide information, suggested resources, and guidance for districts that are interested in developing their own diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.WACD President to appoint committee.
- April 2021: Committee appointed.
- September 2021: Draft policy and recommendations presented to WACD Board of Directors.
- October 2021: Committee work products provided to all area associations.
- November 2021: WACD Board adopts committee recommendations.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement
WACD will create a DEI Committee that will consider the following actions and develop any recommendations by September 2021 to all Conservation Districts for consideration at their Area Meetings for possible action by the WACD at its annual include but not limited to the following:
1 - The Commission and WACD help conservation districts to work with underrepresented communities in their service area to understand what natural resource concerns are important to them and to find ways to incorporate those natural resources concerns into the conservation district’s book of business.
2 - To encourage conservation districts to prioritize equity in the services they offer and in employment decisions.
3 - That the Commission and WACD organize annual diversity, equity, and inclusion seminars that are made available to all Conservation District Supervisors and Managers.
4 - That WACD and the Commission work with districts to make elections more public and to ensure that communities of color are engaged around elections.
5 - That the commission recruits and retains a diversity, equity, and inclusion officer that will work with the election’s officer to promote engagement of communities of color across the state and address the disparity gap around services and elections.
6 - That WACD asks conservation districts and the Washington State Conservation Commission to take actions to encourage more diversity in conservation district supervisor positions both elected and appointed.
WACD President to appoint committee.
- April 2021: Committee appointed.
- September 2021: Draft policy and recommendations presented to WACD Board of Directors.
- October 2021: Committee work products provided to all area associations.
- November 2021: WACD Board adopts committee recommendations.
WACD Member Services Review
WACD to engage the Association’s membership to understand the possible need for more shared services resources or different services resources from the Association and then research ways of providing important support to conservation districts.May/June 2021: Being discussed as part of WACD's FY21-22 budget.
Conservation District Election Improvements
WACD is committed to working with the Legislature and Washington State Conservation Commission on election issues.Will become part of joint WACD-WSCC committee.
- March 2021: Committee appointed.
- September 2021: Committee presented recommendations to WSCC.
- September 2021: WSCC approved the committee's recommendations.

Resolutions adopted at area meetings

1North CentralOkanoganOkanogan CD - Support Increased Use of Electronic Training ResourcesAdopted by Area
2NortheastStevens CountyStevens County CD - Local Cooperation Between NRCS Teams and CD Boards 2020Adopted by Area
3NorthwestPiercePierce CD - Diversity Equity Inclusion StatementAdopted by Area
4NorthwestPiercePierce CD - WACD Shared Services ReviewAdopted by Area
5NorthwestKingKing CD - Diversity Equity Inclusion StatementAdopted by Area
6NorthwestKingKing CD - CD Elections ImprovementsAdopted by Area
7NorthwestSnohomishSnohomish CD - More Participation to Vote at Annual MeetingsAdopted by Area
8NorthwestWhatcomWhatcom CD - Revolving FundAdopted by Area
9SouthwestClarkClark CD - DEI Resolution 2020 FinalAdopted by Area
10SouthwestThurstonThurston CD - WSCC Employee Evaluations 2020Adopted by Area